What is Our Curriculum About?

The School operates a curriculum recommended by the National Policy on Education. In addition, various adaptations have evolved to further supplement and complement our scope of learning experiences.

Our curriculum aims at providing a secure and happy environment in which pupils can build meaningful relationships. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum. This enables them to develop knowledge and a lifelong love of learning.

From our child-friendly and print rich environment pupils learn from everything around them. Our curriculum is assessed through a well-planned and appropriately resourced learning environment that take account of the characteristics of young children as learners and the developmental course they take.

Open Day

This a termly event which creates a conducive forum for parents to get acquainted and exchange ideas with their wards teachers. It gives room for parents to get to know the progress and challenges of their wards.

The parent gets the opportunity to have a one-on-one discussion with the home-room teachers and their respective subject teachers. The parents can go through their ward’s school work and the teachers can report the progress of their ward to them directly.

Useful Tips

  • Don’t be afraid to ask awkward questions.

  • Take a look at what facilities there are.

  • Don’t forget to keep an open mind
  • Look at the relationships in the school

Club Activities

As much as we encourage a formal learning classroom system, we also encourage the learners to indulge themselves in extracurricular activities which include clubs.

A list of these clubs includes Mathematics club, French club, volleyball club, football club, singing club, science club, art club, music club, philately club, dance and drama club, badminton club, table tennis club, computer club.

These clubs run throughout the academic year. It gives the learners room to participate in a wide range of active activities which help them to learn and have fun as well. The learners get to explore and discover their interest and potentials in areas other than academics.

Useful Benefits

  • Boosting Academic Performance
  • Improving Life and Social Skills
  • Creating Safer, Happier Children
  • Promoting Healthy Hobbies


School excursions are significant and effective way of inspiring learners and engaging them in active learning experiences.  Excursions are carefully planned as part of the educational program at each class level.

Parent Teacher Rapport

The school create avenues for the parents and teachers to come together for the educational development of their learners/wards. These avenues include:

  1. Parent Teachers Association (P.T.A)
  2. Parent Teachers Association Trust Fund
  3. Towering Tots Caring Mothers Forum

We host meetings between parents and teachers of learners to discuss their progress at school and to find solutions to academic or behavioral problems.

This encourages the Parents to be more involved in their ward’s progress in school and to cooperate with the school in solving issues.


  • Provides another dimension to class based learning
  • Exposure to new experiences
  • Opportunity to learn about and see new things in a less structured environment
  • Student’s worldview is expanded

Inter-House Competition

The school divides the learners into four houses namely:

  1. Ade-ifere House
  2. Dove House
  3. Gema House
  4. Palm House

The school organizes inter-house competitions such as dancing, debate, singing and sports competitions which are held termly.

These competitions encourage cooperation and unity among the members of a house to come out victorious. It also encourages the learners to actively participate in extra-curricular activities.

Useful Resources

  • Greater bond between students and teachers
  • Enhances memory and thinking skills.
  • Reduces stress and anxiety.
  • Improves brain function.

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